Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mind Reading

     Thoughts, plans, ambitions, opinions- we all take for granted that they are secret, alone to us when we want them to be. However, Functional MRI scans, as they're called, have been developed, which recognise the patterns of neurons firing in the brain, to recognise what object the subject is thinking of (for objects that have been tested), if you have been to a place or not, if you are familiar with something, etc. There is now a debate over the constitutionality of these machines- if your thoughts can be read, do you truly have the right to remain silent? Also, what about companies and marketers trying to use natural human psychology to extract more money out of their customers? Should they be allowed to use optimal advertisements to attract people?
    As for the genuine nature of the device, I believe the scientists and internationally acclaimed news service- their procedures for how the device operates seem sound and logical, and while I would like to think there is something special about consciousness that makes this intangible, brains and people and personalities are simply sophisticated and innovative computers.

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